Buletinul informativ 5 / 2013
Buletinul informativ 4 / 2013
Buletinul informativ 3 / 2013
Buletinul informativ 2 / 2013

The 20th National Conference with international participation
National Commission „In Situ Behavior of Construction” (CNCisC) is honored to have the privilege to invite you to the XX National Conference with international participation which will be held in Brasov, Romania on days 8 to 10 October in 2014.
This technical and scientific event is organized with the precious support of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR) under the auspices of „Transilvania” University of Brasov.
The main objective of CNCisC to organize conferences is to share knowledge and experience in building performance monitoring and providing measures necessary to ensure the best conditions to preserve the investment fund nationally and internationally.
We believe that your participation in this conference will contribute to raising the quality standards of the event and to the knowledge in the field for all participants.