
Universitatea Petrol si Gaze Ploiesti

The 21th National Conference with international participation


to the 21st  National Conference with international participation


Ex. Ion Popescu1
Nicolae Vasilescu2

These recommandations are granted to prepare communications to the Twenty first National Conference with international participationIN SITU BEHAVIOR OF CONSTRUCTIONS” Ploieşti, 20-22 October 2016. In order to ensure effective and timely work achievements with a consistent format and easy to read, authors need to prepare documents in accordance with these instructions.

Ex.  rehabilitation / maintenance / „in situ” test / concrete repair

Title of the paper should be written in capital letters, the font used Times New Roman, font size 14 pt, bold and centered.
After you leave a blank line will be centered authors’ names (first name and then last name, titles). It will number each author and where are employees of the same company will put the same number. Footnote, as in the example, it will note the company name, position and contact address of the author (phone and email). Author’s name, company and contact address should be written in Times New Roman 11 pt.

The abstract should begin after a blank line at the authors’ names. Abstract text will be written using Times New Roman 12 pt, single-space, in one paragraph and should not exceed 300 words. Abstract will be made both in Romanian and in English. Once you leave a blank line, it will pass KEYWORDS (capital letters, Times New Roman 12 pt, bold), followed by a maximum of six keywords (lower letters Times New Roman 12 pt, bold).

Communications will be sent electronically, drawn on A4 size 297 mm x 210 mm. USE diacritics. Do not use bold character except as indicated for titles. Do not underline parts of the text.
All documents will use the MS-Word, to a single space and will be limited to 10 pages including figures, tables and references. Electronic file size is not limited, but is preferably not exceed 10 Mb. Type of the text font should be Times New Roman 12 pt. The top and bottom of the document should be 2 cm, as well as the left and right sides (2 cm).

Ex.       1) Technical Univ. Bucharest, Faculty of Construction (phone 021/……)
2) S.C. V X Z Construct S.R.L. Bucharest (e-mail: )

3.1. Chapters, subchapters and alignment
Chapter headings should be written in capital letters, Times New Roman 12 pt. bold, and the subchapters use lower letters, Times New Roman 12 pt. bold. Leave two blank lines before and one blank line after the chapter heading row. It will leave a blank line before and ½ blank line after the heading row (a paragraph with space of 6 pt). All titles of chapters and subchapters should be numbered and aligned left. If a title is at the end of a page, it will transfer at the beginning of the next page.The first line of a new paragraph should begin at the begining of the row.

3.2. Figures and tables
Figures, drawings, photos, tables and so on should be placed in the proper location, centered and positioned near the citation in the document. You must have a legend written Times New Roman 12 pt., without dividing lines between figure number and title (e.g. Fig. 1 Module evolution) and should be numbered consecutively (e.g. Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Table 1, Table 2).
Title of the table should be placed at the begining of the table, aligned centered. Figure title should be placed at the end of the figure, aligned centered.

3.3. References
At the end of the paper write the list of references, in alphabetical order, according to international rules. References should be cited in the text by name and year of publication (Johanssen, 2011).

ISHIMOTO, Keishi (1994) Reduced visibility due to snow and ways to avoid. The IXth International Congress AIPCR ” Viability in winter”. Vol. 1, chapter 2, pag. 252-257

The papers must be sent to the CNCisC Secretariat 2016 up to August 15th 2016 to the following address:

Please send notification text in Word and pdf format.

The 20th National Conference with international participation

National Commission „In Situ Behavior of Construction” (CNCisC) is honored to have the privilege to invite you to the XX National Conference with international participation which will be held in Brasov, Romania on days 8 to 10 October in 2014.

This technical and scientific event is organized with the precious support of the Romanian Academy of Technical Sciences (ASTR) under the auspices of „Transilvania” University of Brasov.

The main objective of CNCisC to organize conferences is to share knowledge and experience in building performance monitoring and providing measures necessary to ensure the best conditions to preserve the investment fund nationally and internationally.

We believe that your participation in this conference will contribute to raising the quality standards of the event and to the knowledge in the field for all participants.